Carbon Climate Change; Brought to You by the Makers of COVID-19
The Climate Cult is forcing disastrous policies based on a fake science. In the process, they are getting rich and elected while putting the real world in jeopardy.
The Western World is chocked full of ignorant people. I could have said they are all stupid, but I think ignorant is the right word. The Climate Change cult is blaming carbon emissions from your SUV for the changes that we are seeing in the climate. It turns out, however, that CO2 emissions have little if anything to do with climate change and may indeed be the key to getting out of what could become a huge mess.
Brought to you by the makers of COVID-19.
Let that sink in. The pandemic, which was entirely manufactured to enrich the elite and enslave the working class, was the most successful psychological operation in the history of mankind. It exposed the ignorance of the populace. Millions of senior citizens, in the twilight of their lives, were murdered and died alone. Yet absolutely nobody has been held responsible, ever. I wonder why? Again, I think we have to revert back to a completely ignorant populace.
97% of scientists agree with whoever is funding them.
The populace is ripe for the picking and continues to be. For example, the elite puppet masters continue to pull the strings of division. Racism, homophobia, transphobia, white supremacy, reproductive rights (baby killing) are constantly touted by a corrupt corporate media. That divides the ignorant populace, scares them (because COVID exposed the utter cowardice) and diverts their attention from the real problems of the world.
Climate Change is now their biggest issue. The climate is always changing, but in this case, the change may well be caused or certainly accelerated by man. However, with all the issues made up by the neo-liberals on the left, the true issue with the climate has nothing to do with CO2 emissions. In a twist of irony, fossil fuels (which mostly refer to oil, coal and natural gas) could quite literally be the only solution to the real problem. What is the real problem?
The idea that "carbon dioxide is the control knob on the climate" is a colossal public deception. In reality, what drives climate on both short- and long-term timeframes is a dizzyingly complex and dynamic mix of forces: solar cycles, ocean currents, water vapour, wobbles in our planet's orbit, cyclical changes in cloud cover, continental drift, cosmic radiation, and so on…
Mankind has been a horrible steward of the planet. However, the way the planet works and why it is warming unnaturally has to do with the destruction of our forests and grass lands. Fossil fuels have nothing to do with any sort of climate change. Nothing. So you are being sold a lie … again. The solution to the unnatural changing climate is to restore those forests and grass lands. We certainly have the technology, of course that technology is entirely dependent on …. drumroll please … fossil fuels.
Do not take my word for it. I want you to read this article and then go and buy the book and educate yourself. Here is a link to the article:
Julius Ruechel, has done an enormous amount of research. He sites unbiased, unbribed true scientific sources throughout his book. I implore you to at least read this article so you can get a true picture what is being sold to the world.
This chart pretty much says it all:
Remember the California drought? Ya, how California is locked in a near constant drought? That is more BS. Here is the truth about the California drought, remember this is being used as evidence that your minivan is ruining the world:
It seems those old growth forests of California, have a much different story to tell than what the corrupt media is saying!
Let’s return to: Brought to you by the makers of COVID-19.
COVID-19 was a power play. Much of it was to benefit the globalist elites who want to rule over the entire world (good luck with that). Some of it was to get rid of the biggest obstacle, Orange Man. The United States populace, for the most part, has no interest in Globalist rule. So how can organizations like the WEF solve this problem? How about destroying the US from within? If I were going to do that, I would certainly villainize petroleum. Petroleum is the greatest invention in the history of mankind. The US happens to have the top oil reserves in the world, more than Venezuela and Saudi Arabia combined. The current estimate of over 2 trillion barrels is 5 times that of those two countries. If you ask Google or the corporate media, they omit shale oil in their estimates, which of course is more corruption. Look what happened to the US economy when we decided to stop producing our own oil. Inflation went through the roof (underestimated by the corrupt media) interest rates followed shortly thereafter. Money became scarce and the big losers were US small businesses; just like during COVID-19.
Global warming is another power play. I want to believe the world will not buy into this crap, but when virtually the entire media is nothing but a propaganda arm for the globalist elites, most of whom are democrats, and censor anything against their agenda while promoting the “misinformation” (I hate that word, information is information) they claim to be protecting us from, most people remain ignorant to the facts.
Brought to you by the makers of COVID-19; are we going to buy what they are selling? I guess time will tell.