Waiting to be Saved by the Rest of the World
As countries like the UK, Israel, Germany, Iceland and Austria discover how destructive the vaccines are, the United States is mandating that destruction seemingly everywhere.
Two of my kids go to college. Their college, has just mandated that they must be vaccinated or they cannot register for the next semester. My daughter, at 19, has natural immunity. My son is in the Air National Guard and is extremely fit at age 22. Neither are at any risk for COVID. Both are at risk getting vaccinated. Our blue state Governor forced the college to mandate the vaccines. My son is being assaulted from the military as well. He is set to be deployed to Northern Africa in December. They just told him that if he does not get vaccinated, he cannot deploy and will be dishonorably discharged. Welcome to the new America!
The unvaccinated are fast on their way to becoming America’s untouchables, the equivalent of people in India who are the bottom caste of society, deprived of their rights and segregated as unclean. — Frank Miele
Meanwhile in Israel, the hospitals are filling up with fully vaccinated people, same in the UK. Germany and Israel, several months back, noticed a high instance of Myocarditis, in young males who received the mRNA vaccines, while the J&J vaccine seems to be causing some very nasty blood clotting.
All of this is being blamed on the Delta variant. Although this will be a future post, where did the Delta variant come from? Like the original C19 virus, the timing of it’s appearance seems suspicious. Was this strain re-engineered so that COVID would defeat the vaccines and be here forever? Despite natural immunity defeating the Delta variant; what roles do the vaccines have in defeating natural immunity?
Our current leaders in the US are not slowing down in their campaign to vaccinate everybody. I have a colleague who was fully vaccinated. Two months later he tested positive for C19. So the vaccines are failing quickly. In addition, it would appear the further out you are from vaccination, the higher the viral load. There are several studies (soon to be censored), that could be finding that greater than 6 months out, the viral load is higher in fully vaccinated people (breakthrough cases) than people who were never vaccinated. What does that mean? It means that after 6 months, if you do not receive a 3rd shot, and you come in contact with C19, chances are your case will be more severe than if you received no vaccination, thus the need for more shots.
So, the theory goes, they hyped a “novel coronavirus” which is shown to have a 99.6% SURVIVAL RATE, as a reason to get a new, untested, unproven “vaccine.” The trouble is, this vaccine does not use active or even attenuated virus in it, but instead uses mRNA technology, which has never been used as a “vaccine” anywhere on the planet, ever before.
Many, many people have already DIED after getting this “vaccine” and hundreds-of-thousands are severely injured, some permanently disabled, after getting it.
—Unknown Author
So here in the US, we hope and pray that other countries around the world ban the current vaccines completely. Or ban a certain segment of the population from receiving the vaccines. If that can happen and spread to other countries, perhaps the pressure would be too great in the US to continue this incredibly dangerous and destructive C19 vaccination mandate policy.
The silver lining in our humiliating retreat from the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, is that we completely abandoned our allies around the world. Our current leadership showed it’s true colors to our NATO partners and Israel. This will make it easier for these countries to apply some common sense and hopefully start banning these vaccines without worrying about upsetting the Americans.
The US will never take the lead on this, too many are getting rich and too much of that money is ending up in the campaign coffers of our establishment politicians from both parties. So we wait for the rest of the world to save us.
"My son is being assaulted from the military as well. He is set to be deployed to Northern Africa in December. They just told him that if he does not get vaccinated, he cannot deploy and will be dishonorably discharged."
My wife and I both served, retired now, and our son and DIL are currently serving. I can't tell you how much this madness has separated us from our original patriotism, our love of country. Yes, I believe in the ideals, but I counsel my children every day to get out, to not risk their lives for a leadership that is this immoral and a ideal that is this totalitarian.