One of the items on my county ballot was "Should charter require county to extend the right to vote, including to 𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐧𝐬, to the fullest extent allowed by law?"

People are really hard on Portland because of the BLM and drag queen story hour stuff, but it wasn't really bad here until we were swamped by Californians. I don't even leave the house much these days. When I do, I don't even recognize the city I grew up in.

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This election was beyond odd. That Fetterman won despite his shortcomings amazes me. That Lake has not won AZ also stuns me. OTOh, as you note we gave away liberty for safety.

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Sorry to bug you, we're trying to find "real" subscribers to Alex Berenson...in case you were not aware, he has been bashing vaccine victims on Twitter and Margaret Anna Alice is posting a challenge to get people to switch their subs over to Dr. Pierre Kory - I'm also researching to see how many real people vs. potential bots are in his comments, which is where I found you. (I know you are real, BTW.) We're also wondering why people are still paying him. See: https://wholistic.substack.com/p/alex-berenson-makes-at-least-108000

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