This is truly powerful… and says it all.

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When I see these young women show up to demonstrate their support for killing babies I can't quite understand how deluded they have become. Maybe they really do think abortion is health care or that society wants to force them into being baby factories. Just quite strange thinking.

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The left refuses to admit there are many "frequent flyers' that routinely use abortion as birth control, then are surprised that they have difficulty getting pregnant in their 30's after multiple abortions in their 20's. The left is lying to their own side. Just think about all of the advances in birth control since 1973. My body my choice is a slogan that rationalizes bad choices. The real choice is managing one's reproductive activity for both men and women. It is no secret how babies are made.

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The left refuses to admit there are many "frequent flyers' that routinely use abortion as birth control, then are surprised that they have difficulty getting pregnant in their 30's after multiple abortions in their 20's. The left is lying to their own side. Just think about all of the advances in birth control since 1973. My body my choice is a slogan that rationalizes bad choices. The real choice is managing one's reproductive activity for both men and women. It is no secret how babies are made.

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