The mRNA vaccines are experimental. I do not care if the FDA has approved them or not. From a clinical research standpoint, we do not have any long term data to evaluate potential adverse events and serious adverse events. In addition, Pfizer unblinded their placebo arm after getting emergency authorization, destroying any chance for high quality, long term follow data. The Moderna vaccine was ready before we even had a pandemic raising all sorts of questions as to the origin and possible purpose of COVID-19.
The current argument about mRNA vaccines; they are not supposed to change the recipients DNA. However, evidence is supporting that they do, creating a Human 2.0 DNA. Are you comfortable with that? When we start messing with human DNA in billions of people, we are conducting the biggest and highest risk experiment in the history of mankind. That is NOT an overstatement. So let’s agree, whether or not you are for or against the mRNA vaccines, that they are still highly experimental. That distinction is very important.
For those of you unfamiliar with the Nuremberg Code, it came about during the Nazi International Military Tribunal following World War II. The Nazis committed horrific experiments on POWs, mostly Jewish POWs in concentration camps. Shortly after the International Military Tribunal, the US held its own tribunal for a variety of Nazis, including doctors who violently defied the Hippocratic Oath.
“If you ever wondered how the people of Germany could have gone along with the Nazi insanity, well, now you know” -Unknown Author
The indictment of the defendants was filed on October 25, 1946, 25 days after the conclusion of the first Nuremberg trial by the International Military Tribunal. The Doctors' Trial began on December 9, 1946, and ended on July 19, 1947. The case was heard by three judges and one alternate. Thirty-two prosecution witnesses and 53 defense witnesses, including the 23 defendants, testified. A total of 1471 documents were introduced into the record. Sixteen of the 23 defendants were found guilty; 7 of them were sentenced to death by hanging, 5 to life imprisonment, 2 to imprisonment for 25 years, 1 to imprisonment for 15 years, and 1 to imprisonment for 10 years. Seven were acquitted. The sentences were confirmed by the military governor, and, after the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review the case, the executions were carried out at the Landsberg prison.
—Evelyne Shuster, Ph.D.
Now bare with me here, because this is important.
First of all, mandates for experimental drugs have no place in society. The mRNA vaccines, which evidence supports, change the genome of the participant are experimental by definition. I do not care how many billions of injections have been given, when you start messing with DNA, that falls under the auspices of “Mad Science”.
From this same article, which was written with no political malice in 1997, 50 years after the Nuremberg code was created:
This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.
What we are doing today flies in the face of what we learned 75 years ago. Experimentation on human subjects requires CONSENT without force or coercion. It seems to me mandates are the worst type of coercion. Take the experimental drug or lose your job. Take the jab or lose your education. Take the jab or forego being able to buy groceries. Have we gone insane? How about the lie that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated? That is meant to divide people between a false dichotomy that either you are with us or against us, more coercion.
If these experimental drugs are so effective, then why mandate them? Remember this is a virus that is 99.5% survivable. For the young, you have the same chance of being struck by lightening as dying from COVID-19. Should we mandate no more thunderstorms? Oh wait, Mother Nature is in charge of that. How about we outlaw cars, since you have a better chance of dying in a car accident than dying of COVID-19.
As we saw our historical monuments torn down and our establishment politicians supporting these acts (from both parties, make no mistake about it), we see that learning from history is on the cancel culture hit list. Soon the Nuremberg code will be called racist or non-equitable.
I highly advise my readers to use DuckDuckGo. It is a search engine that protects privacy and serves up web pages that closely match what you are searching for. You can begin to research the human genome and what the mRNA vaccines are doing. Surely there is great potential, possibly even combating horrible diseases like cancer. However, we are not even close to understanding the side effects of these experiments that change the human DNA. Human 2.0? If that does not scare you … then you need to wisen up.
Love your article. By the way they experimented on Russian prisoners of war, at least in their cold water hypothermia survival "studies".
Thank you for this excellent article PDG. I wish everyone in the country...actually; everyone in the WORLD could read it. Not that it would put a dent in the hardened minds of those who have bought into the whole scam; but it would be worth a try.
I have one concern; you suggest your readers use "Duck Duck Go" search engine. I am NOT tech savvy at ALL; but I know someone who is; and I was told by that person a while back (After I had switched from using Google search to Duck Duck Go) to stop using it. To be honest; I can't remember all of the reasons I was given for not using D.D.G. anymore; I just remember that they all sounded like very good reasons. I just tonight found this site whose link I will share.... I cannot verify any of the other info. on it since this was the first time I've seen it; but I'm pretty sure that some of the reasons given in it for not using D.D.G. are the same as the ones given to me. I'm NOT trying to be 'bossy' or a 'know-it-all', I promise. Actually, I know NOTHING of these things ('Technical"/computer things), I only know what others that DO know tell me; so I want to make it clear; I'm only attempting to help; not to be a nuisance! Here is the link:
Concerning the "Nuremberg Code", did you happen to see this?:
It's OK; I don't put my trust in any 'code', but in God alone. He alone is my defense. If He allows something to happen; it is always for righteous reasons. He is able to stop anyone at any time from their mad plans. Our greatest need is repentance for our sins; and to be saved, born-again through Jesus Christ; to acknowledge to Him that we are sinners and to ask Him to forgive us; to come into our hearts and to cleanse us from our sins; and to be our personal Savior and Lord.
Can God stop all of this madness? Yes He can. Will He? I don't know. But none of that matters. The most important thing is NOT our present temporal lives; but our eternal lives. For those who are born-again; the suffering we experience here will be the only touch of hell we will experience. For those who are not saved, earths temporal pleasures are the only touch of heaven we will experience. "Choose ye this day; whom you will serve..." I pray that God will save MANY in this time of great upheaval and trouble.
Thank you again for not only this great article; but for all of them. I know it takes a lot of work to put everything together and to share it, and I'm thankful and grateful for people like you who do all that you can do to help others.