Thank you for this excellent article PDG. I wish everyone in the country...actually; everyone in the WORLD could read it. Not that it would put a dent in the hardened minds of those who have bought into the whole scam; but it would be worth a try.
I have one concern; you suggest your readers use "Duck Duck Go" search engine. I am NOT tech savvy at ALL; but I know someone who is; and I was told by that person a while back (After I had switched from using Google search to Duck Duck Go) to stop using it. To be honest; I can't remember all of the reasons I was given for not using D.D.G. anymore; I just remember that they all sounded like very good reasons. I just tonight found this site whose link I will share.... I cannot verify any of the other info. on it since this was the first time I've seen it; but I'm pretty sure that some of the reasons given in it for not using D.D.G. are the same as the ones given to me. I'm NOT trying to be 'bossy' or a 'know-it-all', I promise. Actually, I know NOTHING of these things ('Technical"/computer things), I only know what others that DO know tell me; so I want to make it clear; I'm only attempting to help; not to be a nuisance! Here is the link:
Concerning the "Nuremberg Code", did you happen to see this?:
It's OK; I don't put my trust in any 'code', but in God alone. He alone is my defense. If He allows something to happen; it is always for righteous reasons. He is able to stop anyone at any time from their mad plans. Our greatest need is repentance for our sins; and to be saved, born-again through Jesus Christ; to acknowledge to Him that we are sinners and to ask Him to forgive us; to come into our hearts and to cleanse us from our sins; and to be our personal Savior and Lord.
Can God stop all of this madness? Yes He can. Will He? I don't know. But none of that matters. The most important thing is NOT our present temporal lives; but our eternal lives. For those who are born-again; the suffering we experience here will be the only touch of hell we will experience. For those who are not saved, earths temporal pleasures are the only touch of heaven we will experience. "Choose ye this day; whom you will serve..." I pray that God will save MANY in this time of great upheaval and trouble.
Thank you again for not only this great article; but for all of them. I know it takes a lot of work to put everything together and to share it, and I'm thankful and grateful for people like you who do all that you can do to help others.
Supposedly Startpage truly does not track you, except it uses results they purchase from Google, so it will reflect Google bias, although DDG is now more compliant with the mainstream narrative than it was before also, but lately has sometimes been giving better results than Google. Startpage does not have identical search results as Google for everything, perhaps because Google tailors the results to individual users. Also, Startpage is not good for very recent or breaking news.
Google and Startpage can give good results for things, unless they are political. However Startpage does protect your privacy, better than the DDG, from what I hear. So if you want general results that may not include breaking news, and is maybe not specific to your location, you can use Startpage. If you want a slightly different priority you can use DDG, I don't know about Qwant. Some people mentioned using the Brave search engine (which you can use without using the brave browser, I think), but I'm not sure that's comprehensive either as far as the search results.
Thank you for your comment. Yes, the one thing I like about Startpage is the privacy issue; though Qwant supposedly protects your privacy as well and so far I'm pretty pleased with it.
I've heard from at least two people that they love brave browser and search engine. I may have to give it a try.
If you want to protect your privacy, the best way is to use a VPN (they are very inexpensive and take seconds to setup), then use a browser like Firefox, but never sign in. When I want to browse anonymously, that is what I do. Regardless, you can no longer use Google. They have tainted their awesome algorithm by filtering out results that go against their narrative. I don't use DDG for privacy, I can guarantee that, I used it because it seems to return organic results.
Thank you for taking the time to comment; and thank you for the good suggestions. I have heard quite a bit lately about VPN's so I will have to look into that.
That's a great idea to use a browser like Firefox but to not sign in.
Too bad about Google; really. They had such a good thing but had to ruin it by letting their politics get in the way. Thank you again; I appreciate it.
I still use DDG when I search for things that go agains the Google narrative. However, reading through some of these other comments, I will try other browsers as well. Many thanks!
Thank you for this. The search results in DDG are certainly less biased than Google. However, I did follow your link and will do more research. I will print a retraction if I think it is worth it. Again, thank you!
Hello. Thank you for responding. I've worried since I posted my comment that it would come off as somehow self-righteous or some other negative thing; I wish I could have sent you a private message instead of a public one.
To be honest, what with our 'alphabet agencies' spying on many or all of us; are ANY of us TRULY 'safe' from one form or another of trouble online (Or anywhere in our lives?) I guess it comes down to 'doing the best we can do'.
Thank you again for responding, and I truly hope I was not out of bounds for sharing what I did about DDG in the way that I did.
Haha Cammie. Unlike the other side, I find great value when people teach me things. I am not Jesus, therefore by my very nature, I have lots to learn. Thanks again for the very productive comments!
Today I put the title of a study (mentioned by Jeff Childers) in the Qwant search engine and it did not find it. I've been thinking of switching back to DDG to see if it would - can't remember why I switched - article is Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against Omicron or Delta infection
Pearl, I don't know if you'll read this since it's been 7 months since you posted; but I thought I'd tell you that I just did a search for "Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against Omicron or Delta infection" in Qwant, and I found these two things; I don't know if either are what you were looking for:
Sorry if that doesn't help. I just wanted to see if Qwant would show any exact results; those were the only two I saw on the first page (I didn't look farther) with the exact wording of the search.
Cammie, thanks so much - will have to review what I was looking for (lol) - 7 months is like 7 years these days. A couple of months ago I switched to Swiss Cows search engine. I like it, but as with you, I can't remember the reason, except that it was recommended by someone I truest. I have heard that the Brave search engine is good too.
Haha; of course; what a HUGE difference there is between 'the other side' and the rest of us! I pity them, truly, because it must FEEL miserable to BE so miserable.
We ALL have a LOT to learn, there's no question about that. The question is, will we be WILLING to learn; therein lies the rub!
Thank you too for being one who IS willing to 'listen' and to learn!
The concept of RNA vax came from nature -- bacteria have used RNA and DNA manipulation to defend themselves against viruses for billions of years. And they're still here. We've learned in decades what took bacteria millenia of evolution. We still have a few things to learn, probably, "bugs" in the program. But we'll be better off as we learn.
"Code Breakers" by Isaacson is a useful tutorial on the tech and the history.
The crimes are always from abuse of technology, not the technology itself. Vax is not a crime. Mandates are.
Agreed. Not saying the tech is the culprit here. Mandating and approval by regulatory bodies are the problem. These vaccines are too experimental to get the nod from the FDA pre-covid. We were never going to eradicate a highly transmissible, animal born virus. Certainly they knew that. That is abusing the technology. This could set it back decades which is another travesty as the potential to treat serious illness (someday) will now almost certainly be delayed or lost.
Emergency authorization in an emergency is reasonable. The experiment has proven effective, with some casualties and some saves. Possibly a net benefit, overall. Well see. They went off the rails demanding vax for people who don't need it. The young have very low risk -- no benefit from vax -- and most of the injuries. So geezers (like birx and fauch who ordered it) probably benefitted, while most others had negative benefit.
Atlas testifies they did know the risks, because he told them. They might have ignored him because they're corrupt, or just because they're not competent enough to understand. Probably a dose of both.
By effective, we have no long term follow up data. So in the short term there is some positive effect. But we have no idea what the future holds. Pfizer unblinded their placebo arm, contaminating any chance of getting this data. This is why most trials take years to complete. We can only hope and pray that the short term effectiveness does not morph into long term disaster.
We never have perfect knowledge, about anything, no matter how long we test or how broadly. Good enough is always good enough. The challenge is de iding "enough." Bureaucrats always want more. Sick and dying want less. I support the sick and dying.
It's interesting the bureaucrats shortened vax trials (until the election -- if Trump won, we still would t have it), but insisted on extensive trials for early treatments. The basis is they exclusively support profits, prohibit generic competitors. Corruption killed millions.
Someone shared the link to a website in the comment section of an article online. I had never heard of it before so I cannot verify all of the information on it, and I have not yet looked at all of it, but I know that at least some of it is correct. Here is the link:
I will have to scour my 'Favorites' folder to look for an article I read a while back that debunked another article making claims that either not that many athletes have died in the last year or so or that they didn't die after receiving a covid 'vaccine'. It was clear that in most cases they did. I write "most' because it IS certainly POSSIBLE that SOME of them did die, coincidentally, from heart attacks that may have been due either to taking some drugs(s) or from some genetic issues. BUT, for ANYONE to think for ONE moment that OVER THREE HUNDRED young, otherwise healthy athletes to die, ALL in around ONE year: ALL of them AFTER (Sometimes within days) getting one of the so-called 'vaccines' is unfathomable. The athletes listed on that last site did not all die but I did read more than one article that stated that 'around' 300 have died, and many are suffering negative effects of the vaccines.
I personally know one woman who 'had to' get the shot because the nursing home her husband is in won't allow ANY visitors including Spouses to visit unless they are vaccinated, the residents are required to be vaccinated as well. So, she got the first shot with not much trouble, if any; then got the booster. Not long after she began having trouble breathing and her heart was racing. She had to be admitted to the hospital. She had A-fib. She had NO history of ANY heart trouble. Another woman I know; a young married woman with a young child also 'had to 'be vaccinated to continue working. A few weeks after being vaccinated she began to experience abnormal bleeding. She had to have surgery. She and her husband want another child, so some time after the surgery and when she was cleared by her doctor, she and her husband tried to get pregnant and succeeded. Six weeks later she miscarried. All coincidental? COULD be, but ARE they? To be clear I'm not being snarky at all, I KNOW that there are MANY among us who are still a little perplexed about all of this; unsure WHAT to believe.
I heard from someone tonight that they heard on their local news (they live in a different state than I do) that MANY doctors; I don't know if it was ONLY the 'local' doctors or if it included doctors across the country...are FINALLY waking up to the charade; and are getting sick and tired of all of it. My husband spoke to one of his friends the other day who told him that he was speaking to a woman he knows whose family member passed away, he was in the final stages of cancer. When she received his death certificate, the cause of death that was listed was 'COVID'. I cannot TELL you how MANY times I have heard this SAME or similar story. I strongly suggest that everyone who reads this buys the book, "Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines are Safe and Effective Is Lying", by Vernon Coleman.
I have read numerous reports by doctors, virologist, immunologists about vaccines.... ALL vaccines, and it is conclusive...vaccines have NEVER truly 'cured' or totally prevented disease, EVER. Vaccines override a person's OWN immune system; they do NOT GIVE immunity.
The MAIN reason why there has been an EXPLOSION of 'auto-immune' diseases and other degenerative diseases is due primarily to vaccines as well as poor nutrition.
I want to apologize for sharing so much, I'm not trying to overwhelm you or to make you feel as if I'm hitting you over the head with all of this information! I'm not. Part of the reason why I'm sharing it all is because I want anyone else who might read this comment to be able to read this information as well.
I'm not being argumentative, that is not my intent. It's only that I know that the whole world has come under this massive blanket of terror and deception, and sometimes it takes a lot of force to try to pull people out from under it.
We're inundated with information that is vague, circumstantial, incomplete and sometimes fraudulent. The way I handle loads of bad news from people I don't know is looking around at people I do know. Haven't heard of any problems around me. Which is no more solid then the anonymous internet reports, but at least easier to verify. The main problem is the effects of the virus, and the truckloads of meds we're using, and the psychoses of masses terrorized by incompetent and probably corrupt governments, and legions of unscrupulous people intent on misleading us, are so intertwined it's difficult to organize the observations. It's reasonable to be cautious -- where there's smoke there's fire, usually -- but never useful to panic. We'll figure it out. Meanwhile, if we think we're vulnerable to the virus, we should consider the vax. If we're not, we shouldn't. For most of us it's the classic problem of low risk versus low benefit. Better to ignore it.
Love your article. By the way they experimented on Russian prisoners of war, at least in their cold water hypothermia survival "studies".
Yes that was a very cruel time, as is this.
Thank you for this excellent article PDG. I wish everyone in the country...actually; everyone in the WORLD could read it. Not that it would put a dent in the hardened minds of those who have bought into the whole scam; but it would be worth a try.
I have one concern; you suggest your readers use "Duck Duck Go" search engine. I am NOT tech savvy at ALL; but I know someone who is; and I was told by that person a while back (After I had switched from using Google search to Duck Duck Go) to stop using it. To be honest; I can't remember all of the reasons I was given for not using D.D.G. anymore; I just remember that they all sounded like very good reasons. I just tonight found this site whose link I will share.... I cannot verify any of the other info. on it since this was the first time I've seen it; but I'm pretty sure that some of the reasons given in it for not using D.D.G. are the same as the ones given to me. I'm NOT trying to be 'bossy' or a 'know-it-all', I promise. Actually, I know NOTHING of these things ('Technical"/computer things), I only know what others that DO know tell me; so I want to make it clear; I'm only attempting to help; not to be a nuisance! Here is the link:
Concerning the "Nuremberg Code", did you happen to see this?:
It's OK; I don't put my trust in any 'code', but in God alone. He alone is my defense. If He allows something to happen; it is always for righteous reasons. He is able to stop anyone at any time from their mad plans. Our greatest need is repentance for our sins; and to be saved, born-again through Jesus Christ; to acknowledge to Him that we are sinners and to ask Him to forgive us; to come into our hearts and to cleanse us from our sins; and to be our personal Savior and Lord.
Can God stop all of this madness? Yes He can. Will He? I don't know. But none of that matters. The most important thing is NOT our present temporal lives; but our eternal lives. For those who are born-again; the suffering we experience here will be the only touch of hell we will experience. For those who are not saved, earths temporal pleasures are the only touch of heaven we will experience. "Choose ye this day; whom you will serve..." I pray that God will save MANY in this time of great upheaval and trouble.
Thank you again for not only this great article; but for all of them. I know it takes a lot of work to put everything together and to share it, and I'm thankful and grateful for people like you who do all that you can do to help others.
Supposedly Startpage truly does not track you, except it uses results they purchase from Google, so it will reflect Google bias, although DDG is now more compliant with the mainstream narrative than it was before also, but lately has sometimes been giving better results than Google. Startpage does not have identical search results as Google for everything, perhaps because Google tailors the results to individual users. Also, Startpage is not good for very recent or breaking news.
I didn't know that about Startpage; that they use results they purchase from Google. Sigh.
For now; I'm trying to stick with Qwant; though I have a feeling that their search results are not always as comprehensive as Google's or DDG's.
Google and Startpage can give good results for things, unless they are political. However Startpage does protect your privacy, better than the DDG, from what I hear. So if you want general results that may not include breaking news, and is maybe not specific to your location, you can use Startpage. If you want a slightly different priority you can use DDG, I don't know about Qwant. Some people mentioned using the Brave search engine (which you can use without using the brave browser, I think), but I'm not sure that's comprehensive either as far as the search results.
Thank you for your comment. Yes, the one thing I like about Startpage is the privacy issue; though Qwant supposedly protects your privacy as well and so far I'm pretty pleased with it.
I've heard from at least two people that they love brave browser and search engine. I may have to give it a try.
If you want to protect your privacy, the best way is to use a VPN (they are very inexpensive and take seconds to setup), then use a browser like Firefox, but never sign in. When I want to browse anonymously, that is what I do. Regardless, you can no longer use Google. They have tainted their awesome algorithm by filtering out results that go against their narrative. I don't use DDG for privacy, I can guarantee that, I used it because it seems to return organic results.
Thank you for taking the time to comment; and thank you for the good suggestions. I have heard quite a bit lately about VPN's so I will have to look into that.
That's a great idea to use a browser like Firefox but to not sign in.
Too bad about Google; really. They had such a good thing but had to ruin it by letting their politics get in the way. Thank you again; I appreciate it.
I still use DDG when I search for things that go agains the Google narrative. However, reading through some of these other comments, I will try other browsers as well. Many thanks!
Thank you for this. The search results in DDG are certainly less biased than Google. However, I did follow your link and will do more research. I will print a retraction if I think it is worth it. Again, thank you!
Hello. Thank you for responding. I've worried since I posted my comment that it would come off as somehow self-righteous or some other negative thing; I wish I could have sent you a private message instead of a public one.
To be honest, what with our 'alphabet agencies' spying on many or all of us; are ANY of us TRULY 'safe' from one form or another of trouble online (Or anywhere in our lives?) I guess it comes down to 'doing the best we can do'.
Thank you again for responding, and I truly hope I was not out of bounds for sharing what I did about DDG in the way that I did.
Haha Cammie. Unlike the other side, I find great value when people teach me things. I am not Jesus, therefore by my very nature, I have lots to learn. Thanks again for the very productive comments!
Today I put the title of a study (mentioned by Jeff Childers) in the Qwant search engine and it did not find it. I've been thinking of switching back to DDG to see if it would - can't remember why I switched - article is Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against Omicron or Delta infection
Pearl, I don't know if you'll read this since it's been 7 months since you posted; but I thought I'd tell you that I just did a search for "Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against Omicron or Delta infection" in Qwant, and I found these two things; I don't know if either are what you were looking for:
Sorry if that doesn't help. I just wanted to see if Qwant would show any exact results; those were the only two I saw on the first page (I didn't look farther) with the exact wording of the search.
Cammie, thanks so much - will have to review what I was looking for (lol) - 7 months is like 7 years these days. A couple of months ago I switched to Swiss Cows search engine. I like it, but as with you, I can't remember the reason, except that it was recommended by someone I truest. I have heard that the Brave search engine is good too.
Haha; of course; what a HUGE difference there is between 'the other side' and the rest of us! I pity them, truly, because it must FEEL miserable to BE so miserable.
We ALL have a LOT to learn, there's no question about that. The question is, will we be WILLING to learn; therein lies the rub!
Thank you too for being one who IS willing to 'listen' and to learn!
The concept of RNA vax came from nature -- bacteria have used RNA and DNA manipulation to defend themselves against viruses for billions of years. And they're still here. We've learned in decades what took bacteria millenia of evolution. We still have a few things to learn, probably, "bugs" in the program. But we'll be better off as we learn.
"Code Breakers" by Isaacson is a useful tutorial on the tech and the history.
The crimes are always from abuse of technology, not the technology itself. Vax is not a crime. Mandates are.
Agreed. Not saying the tech is the culprit here. Mandating and approval by regulatory bodies are the problem. These vaccines are too experimental to get the nod from the FDA pre-covid. We were never going to eradicate a highly transmissible, animal born virus. Certainly they knew that. That is abusing the technology. This could set it back decades which is another travesty as the potential to treat serious illness (someday) will now almost certainly be delayed or lost.
Emergency authorization in an emergency is reasonable. The experiment has proven effective, with some casualties and some saves. Possibly a net benefit, overall. Well see. They went off the rails demanding vax for people who don't need it. The young have very low risk -- no benefit from vax -- and most of the injuries. So geezers (like birx and fauch who ordered it) probably benefitted, while most others had negative benefit.
Atlas testifies they did know the risks, because he told them. They might have ignored him because they're corrupt, or just because they're not competent enough to understand. Probably a dose of both.
By effective, we have no long term follow up data. So in the short term there is some positive effect. But we have no idea what the future holds. Pfizer unblinded their placebo arm, contaminating any chance of getting this data. This is why most trials take years to complete. We can only hope and pray that the short term effectiveness does not morph into long term disaster.
We never have perfect knowledge, about anything, no matter how long we test or how broadly. Good enough is always good enough. The challenge is de iding "enough." Bureaucrats always want more. Sick and dying want less. I support the sick and dying.
It's interesting the bureaucrats shortened vax trials (until the election -- if Trump won, we still would t have it), but insisted on extensive trials for early treatments. The basis is they exclusively support profits, prohibit generic competitors. Corruption killed millions.
Someone shared the link to a website in the comment section of an article online. I had never heard of it before so I cannot verify all of the information on it, and I have not yet looked at all of it, but I know that at least some of it is correct. Here is the link:
And I also found this site just now:
I will have to scour my 'Favorites' folder to look for an article I read a while back that debunked another article making claims that either not that many athletes have died in the last year or so or that they didn't die after receiving a covid 'vaccine'. It was clear that in most cases they did. I write "most' because it IS certainly POSSIBLE that SOME of them did die, coincidentally, from heart attacks that may have been due either to taking some drugs(s) or from some genetic issues. BUT, for ANYONE to think for ONE moment that OVER THREE HUNDRED young, otherwise healthy athletes to die, ALL in around ONE year: ALL of them AFTER (Sometimes within days) getting one of the so-called 'vaccines' is unfathomable. The athletes listed on that last site did not all die but I did read more than one article that stated that 'around' 300 have died, and many are suffering negative effects of the vaccines.
I personally know one woman who 'had to' get the shot because the nursing home her husband is in won't allow ANY visitors including Spouses to visit unless they are vaccinated, the residents are required to be vaccinated as well. So, she got the first shot with not much trouble, if any; then got the booster. Not long after she began having trouble breathing and her heart was racing. She had to be admitted to the hospital. She had A-fib. She had NO history of ANY heart trouble. Another woman I know; a young married woman with a young child also 'had to 'be vaccinated to continue working. A few weeks after being vaccinated she began to experience abnormal bleeding. She had to have surgery. She and her husband want another child, so some time after the surgery and when she was cleared by her doctor, she and her husband tried to get pregnant and succeeded. Six weeks later she miscarried. All coincidental? COULD be, but ARE they? To be clear I'm not being snarky at all, I KNOW that there are MANY among us who are still a little perplexed about all of this; unsure WHAT to believe.
I heard from someone tonight that they heard on their local news (they live in a different state than I do) that MANY doctors; I don't know if it was ONLY the 'local' doctors or if it included doctors across the country...are FINALLY waking up to the charade; and are getting sick and tired of all of it. My husband spoke to one of his friends the other day who told him that he was speaking to a woman he knows whose family member passed away, he was in the final stages of cancer. When she received his death certificate, the cause of death that was listed was 'COVID'. I cannot TELL you how MANY times I have heard this SAME or similar story. I strongly suggest that everyone who reads this buys the book, "Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines are Safe and Effective Is Lying", by Vernon Coleman.
I have read numerous reports by doctors, virologist, immunologists about vaccines.... ALL vaccines, and it is conclusive...vaccines have NEVER truly 'cured' or totally prevented disease, EVER. Vaccines override a person's OWN immune system; they do NOT GIVE immunity.
The MAIN reason why there has been an EXPLOSION of 'auto-immune' diseases and other degenerative diseases is due primarily to vaccines as well as poor nutrition.
I want to apologize for sharing so much, I'm not trying to overwhelm you or to make you feel as if I'm hitting you over the head with all of this information! I'm not. Part of the reason why I'm sharing it all is because I want anyone else who might read this comment to be able to read this information as well.
I'm not being argumentative, that is not my intent. It's only that I know that the whole world has come under this massive blanket of terror and deception, and sometimes it takes a lot of force to try to pull people out from under it.
I hope that something I shared helps in some way.
We're inundated with information that is vague, circumstantial, incomplete and sometimes fraudulent. The way I handle loads of bad news from people I don't know is looking around at people I do know. Haven't heard of any problems around me. Which is no more solid then the anonymous internet reports, but at least easier to verify. The main problem is the effects of the virus, and the truckloads of meds we're using, and the psychoses of masses terrorized by incompetent and probably corrupt governments, and legions of unscrupulous people intent on misleading us, are so intertwined it's difficult to organize the observations. It's reasonable to be cautious -- where there's smoke there's fire, usually -- but never useful to panic. We'll figure it out. Meanwhile, if we think we're vulnerable to the virus, we should consider the vax. If we're not, we shouldn't. For most of us it's the classic problem of low risk versus low benefit. Better to ignore it.