There's the error: in your title: 'how our so called leaders rule'. Are they leading or ruling? Should be neither, shouldn't it? We are democracies. WE rule. WE lead. That's the theory.

But you're right. In fact we don't. We abdicate our democracies and supinely accept the role of powerless peasants with no alternative when push comes to shove but to take to the streets.

And we call - you yourself call - the people we put there to lead us in the direction we told them we want to go 'rulers' and we accept their 'rule'.

So when they say we must go some other direction we meekly accept it.

WE, the people, en masse.

For we the people, en masse, are by nature and instinct and desire, it would appear, mindless docile peasants.

And those of us who fancy we are not like that are just going to have to get used to the idea that's who we are part of, implanted within, surrounded by.

Got to come to terms with the fact that we're just lemmings implanted within the horde and the horde is headed over a cliff and going to take us with it.


And all the time the control machinery of democracy lies unused.

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It is not a new religion, although we are witnessing its triumphal procession into the Cathedral of the Medical Monopoly.

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Correct. It is a religion.

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Heresy and taboo in the modern era, per Michael Malice. Great wrting, I agree 100% as an attorney and account, I can read both words and numbers, and do my own analysis. Facts and logic be damned by the new church.

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I had Covid back in May, and I have VERY high antibodies. I was VERY sick. I was hospitalized fir 5 days, had pneumonia also. I was not on a ventilator but I was on an oxygen mask. I cannot imagine contracting it intentionally! That was as sick as I had ever been!

Your right tho. It is a cult, and folks can’t see straight once they’ve been indoctrinated.

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Why get Covid on purpose?

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I agree with your article except for this line: (Thanks Californians who moved here and voted for Nevada democrats because they are somehow different than California democrats and turned Nevada blue). I hear this often but never with any actual data attached. I think you may need to look a little bit closer to home. Our education/indoctrination system has been turning out predominately left leaning kids for several generations now. They are more than likely turning your states blue, not the relatively small numbers of Californians who left the state and actually still vote for Democrats.

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Right on!!

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